Pursuing the Wave


Thinking new dreams for the mirror reflect,  
Holding unto wind for gravity effect,  
Bringing out the son for shining the light,  
Sipping on some wisdom, believing inner sight.

All things let go, releasing the fight,  
Giving it all to God and His might.  
What do I bless on this precious day?  
My speech for love, pursuing the wave.


In the stillness where dreams are born,  
I find the reflections I've always worn,  
Mirroring hope, visioning bright,  
Guided by the winds, held by the light.

Each sip of wisdom, a taste of grace,  
Revealing truth in the quiet space.

Letting go of the battles within,  
Trusting in God, letting the peace begin.  
For in His hands, I place my soul,  
To be made whole, to reach the goal.

On this day, so sacred and pure,  
I bless the words that endure,  
Speaking of love, chasing the wave,  
A path of light, thy heart I gave.


This chapter beautifully captures the act of releasing control and placing trust in a higher power, while focusing on the pursuit of love and wisdom. The imagery of light, wind, and mirrors ties together the themes of reflection, clarity, and divine guidance, making this a powerful addition to your poetic journey. The final lines emphasize the importance of love in every spoken word, as you continue to follow the wave of spiritual growth and enlightenment.


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