
Showing posts from May, 2024

come kiss art baby blue

  have you ever wondered into view looking at all the world manifest and you bringing forth my fruits of thoughts to all whose minds at sea and land nearing my place well loving my face all birds whose wings singing in every flight my love is true come kiss art baby blue the world fades to a gentle blur when you my love to refer a dance of light to night the glow in your eyes the stars bestow how beautifully my soul does rise to greet the dawn of your soft sighs each breath you take a cherished part a melody that fills my heart beneath the sky a canvass wide our love a masterpiece a gentle tide each stroke a vow each hue a sign that in your arms the stars align my love is true a timeless art painting with the brush my heart every moment near and far you are my muse my shining star in the day eating fruit off vines your lips on mine a sacred sign my love is true come close come near every heart beat I call you dear so kiss me now and let us weave a tale of love in which we believe my lo

being calm in the middle

  in the midst of the storm  a bright light appears to me revealing the heavens opening eye blessing me for being he the one always protecting the sea now here is a thought as I invite a moment for you what would be if a tornado rushed thee would you sit and be as wonderous as me or would you rush in thinking to nowhere safe being calm in the middle is more than playing a fiddle its the hushing dawn the early day riddle the world may whirl a storm untamed yet here I stand serene unblamed in the heart of chaos I find my song a melody of peace where I we belong not merely strings that softly play a tranquil heart that leads the way amidst the noise a silent grace a gentle touch a warm embrace the stillness in the eye of strife the quiet pulse the breath in life its not just skill yet a deeper art a dancing soul a mindful heart where worries wane and fears subside in the calm my strength resides the world outside may ebb and flow yet inner peace begins to grow in every note a story told o

for in your arms

  I have been putting to matter thoughts to bring a view being careful to include each detail of perfect you letting the science of thinking bear my fruit allowing the wheels in mind to carefully choose suit looking forward always keeping conscious of the plot riding the highs skating the lows perfecting the heights always strong bold holding unto you for in your arms  I rest and cuddle like a rain drop  nesting into a puddle

how I dream

  I have been thinking about the sky and what it wants for I yes it should be me wanting all thing for thee yet you know above sending everything love if you saw my view angelic circling hovering around as if feelings of the feathers wings listening to my sound oh how I dream to vibrate rhythms creating my voice  in the symphony of silence where echoes rejoice a whispering wind through the leaves soft and divine  melody weaving perfecting time a harmony so fine in moonlit meadows where shadows gently play I craft a song that dances in the twilights gray stars shimmer in cadence with my soulful tune as the night blooms with the essence coming June the rivers hum a lullaby pure and serene while mountains echo back a timeless scene birds serenade the dawn with their sweet face their notes a testament to natures grace oh how I dream weaving words with tender care each syllable a brushstroke in the evening air an earth shaking sound that resonates and rings a chorus for creation where every

Shining brighter than the sun

  for every element of my design letting go of thoughts behind wanting to be who architect thee putting all this time for perfect scenes to be changing lanes from last to fast yet running to unleash the turtle in me shaking my head for all the times I stumbled looking to the sky wandering mind feeling like there is a burning inside raising the heat and fire upon earth shining brighter than the sun could I be one in this city of dreams where the nights never done with skyscrapers towering touching the sky New York whispers secrets as the days go by in the heartbeat of hustle where ambitions collide I seek a path where my hopes can reside amidst the bustle the lights and the noise a single voice echoes seeking poise through streets paved with stories of old legends and tales for the bold could I carve a name a place a star among those who came and raised the bar in Central Park where first was my kind dreams weave through the leaves of every vine the Hudson flows with whispers of past ye

praying to God

  there is a road opening before me seems straight for the present state having few options to pursue I count to ten and weigh it again enjoying the view and attracting pretties too feeling like here is the opportunity to do for a few I shall go all in again capitalizing on an idea you did before knowing this time you have a story praying to God thanking him for the glory oh Father in reverence I lift my voice in grateful prayer my heart rejoice for all your glory wondrous bright I thank you Lord for your guiding light in the early dawn when the sun does rise I see your love in the clear blue skies each bird that sings each flower that blooms echoes your presence creating my booms for every trial that I've overcome your strength is here in your arms I rise in valleys low and mountains high your glory shines ever nigh I thank you Lord for each breath I take for every step every choice I make your grace abounds in moments small your love sustains in it all for family dear and friends

am I just being silly

  there is so much more to life yet what brings more joy to me a perspective says cake  and a slice would be nice for dreams come true when they involve you and two am I just being silly or letting me be free in my dancing beneath the old oak tree where I whisper to the wind weaving tales into night as the moonlight bathes me in soft silver light am I chasing shadows or catching the breeze in a world where time pauses and moments can freeze laughter rings out like a sweet near chime my melody for life  keeping perfect time am I merely wandering or finding my way in the maze of tomorrow from the echoes today stars wink above in the deep velvet sky guiding my heart as I learn how to fly am I just a dreamer or waking to see the boundless expanse for what it means to be me each step I take the horizon unfolds a story of courage that gently enfolds am I simply playing or living with glee a world for wonders wild and carefree for in these moments pure as me I find the true essence for what i

all for the smiles holding head high

  feeling like the magic is in the air sprinkling dust and fairies twerking near showing up in space before my eyes watching me as I paint unto walls picking up building like lifting up skirts all for the smiles holding head high in a world where dreams and stars align I journey forth all smiles so fine with heads held high through stormy skies I chase the dawn where hope never dies through valleys low and mountains tall together I rise I never fall hand in hand with hearts so bright I light the path through darkest night. the wind may howl the rain may pour yet my spirits soar forevermore with courage bold and laughter sweet I face each challenge never defeat for in my heart a fire burns a lesson living life everyone yearns  with each smile a spark ignites guiding me through lifes endless flights my heads held high marching as one under the warmth of the golden sun in unity I find my strength together I go every length so let my smile never sigh my head held so high I reach the sky in

reaching out to Allah

  each day I make a call to the universe reaching out to Allah as he be suggesting too wanting to speak out and yell as high as my lungs at you to get your attention and release some tension you are the only ear I can talk into I guess thats what you wanted as you made it you all thought I am special for you creating me yet it seems I am your project line to earth been thinking about my life and experiences true revisioning them all and expecting you too casting dreams upon the wind bidding skies anew  a heart wide as oceans eyes twinkling art baby blue dancing on the shadows seeking what is true sculpting visions into air shaping light from night every dream a silent vow whispering show me the light guided by the stars that burn burning every son bright journeying through the realms for thought boundless as the sea every step a silent prayer every breath a plea in the mirror of my mind reflections wild free hopeful seeds entangled there yearning just to be revisioning them all casting

comes down to being in flow

  on an island unto myself looking pretty attracting wealth as I sit upon the sea allowing all to be around thee letting go for everything I know comes down to being in flow where time solves a gentle stream moments merge a seamless glow in the dance I dreaming a dream whispering for the wind to align silent songs for the unseen threads for fate in each sign weaving life in shades serene stars ascend to kissing me rippling waves for endless grace echoing for eternity etched upon the sky eyes embrace footsteps trace the paths unknown guided by an inner flame lost yet always finding home in thy heart thy sacred name breath for life in rhythms sway natures pulse a timeless beat night gives birth to break of day in thy flow my worlds complete hands that touch and souls that heal voices soft as early days dew truth revealing what I feel in the flow I am born anew journey through the fields of gold underneath thy heavens dome stories from the past retold inward flow I find my home spirit soa

whats good for you must be for me

  at a crossroads again looking for signs of life who in the world mind concept hearing me  as I look to light singing songs all night radiating along for you to dance be you having my way every step to the bank crossing my eyes and dotting my tees whats good for you must be for me what's good for you must be for me in the dance of hearts where souls fly free the sun that warms your tender skin must touch me too where love begins in twilight's glow when stars ignite your dreams are mine in the velvet night the laughter ringing through your days finds echoes in my own bright ways if joy’s sweet nectar graces your lips I'll sip it too in moonlit sips your tears though rare I'll also weep for in your heart my own does keep when winds of change both fierce and mild bend your path I'll walk each mile your fears and hopes your deepest sighs are mirrored in my loving eyes for whats good for you must be for me bound together wild and free in every whisper every glance we sh

beautifully radiating centering eye

  what plans I do consider as I sit in the middle as above is below mentally challenging each invested word I heard sweet sound vibrates all around generating waves energetically so hear me sing my song for thee looking out into beyond the suns beam beautifully radiating centering eye  beacon of light in the vast open sky gleaming with wisdom a cosmic surprise guiding me through life's enchanting sunrise mysteries unfold its shimmering gaze dancing stars in a celestial maze Reflecting thy secrets time's endless flow where dreams are planted and wonders grow each gentle flicker whispers the tale love that endures through storm and gale In the heart felt night it softly does sigh lending its glow to the moon up high a portal to realms where fantasies lie its luminous presence a comforting tie in twilight's embrace where shadows may creep  banishing fear bidding nightmares to sleep majestically serene it reigns from afar a gem in the darkness a guiding star through epochs and

I became spark

  I did it rings throughout mind I did it is like me singing a song I did it for all those coming along I did it is the only word vibrating free for every moment in front of me knowing been growing since I became spark I've been flowing glowing with each passing day learning secrets of the universe finding my way through the corridors of time I've traveled far  journey in the mind reaching for the star the seeds of knowledge I've been sowing in fertile soil they keep on growing from whispers of the past to the dreams of tomorrow I weave a tale of joy removing all sorrow in the silence I've been listening hearing the call understanding the rise anticipating the fall with every heartbeat I've been comprehending the endless cycle forever bending from the spark of inception to the blaze of creation I've been nurturing ideas with endless appreciation knowing the essence of life’s fleeting mark I continue to shine ever bright ever stark in this journey of enlightenmen

grab hold unto soil and grow roots

  which picture of the mind is perfecting time each painting is the fruit from the seed the imagined word coming forth for acting play now if I hold unto every blessing me true growing into success abundance adoring loving you n the soils embrace a tiny seed lies awaiting the touch of the sunlit skies will it grab hold unto soil and grow roots or will it wither away lost in its pursuits with hope in its heart and a dream in its eye it reaches down deep giving it a try roots start to form in the earth below anchoring firmly as the seasons flow through rain and shine it perseveres pushing through doubts overcoming fears for in the soils embrace it finds its strength nourished by natures unyielding length each day a struggle each day a test  holding on tight refusing to rest  lo and behold a sprout appears a testament to its resilience over the years  grabbing hold into soil and growing roots for this journey ideally picturing painting life pursuit of growth and purpose that truly shows h