as if love is all my breath


I have a taste on my tongue great to remember

the time was all behind yet afront to my queen

for believing in my way watching you sway

each time you come into mind

how yet thankful I am for you

being who Allah creating mastering it so beautifully too

grateful for each thought I think

as if love was all my breath

in innocence I once did stray

amidst the fields where children play

where joy resides and fears delay

a lambent flame flickering in my souls depth

in innocence I did overcame

where dreams and hopes found their home

in realms where sunlit shadows hone

through edens gates I found my way

as if love is all my breath

in every bloom in each array

the world aglow in loves pure ray

in greatness I reside to say

loving love is all I breathe breathing breath


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