beautifully radiating centering eye


what plans I do consider

as I sit in the middle as above is below

mentally challenging each invested word

I heard sweet sound vibrates all around

generating waves energetically

so hear me sing my song for thee

looking out into beyond the suns beam

beautifully radiating centering eye

 beacon of light in the vast open sky

gleaming with wisdom a cosmic surprise

guiding me through life's enchanting sunrise

mysteries unfold its shimmering gaze

dancing stars in a celestial maze

Reflecting thy secrets time's endless flow

where dreams are planted and wonders grow

each gentle flicker whispers the tale

love that endures through storm and gale

In the heart felt night it softly does sigh

lending its glow to the moon up high

a portal to realms where fantasies lie

its luminous presence a comforting tie

in twilight's embrace where shadows may creep

 banishing fear bidding nightmares to sleep

majestically serene it reigns from afar

a gem in the darkness a guiding star

through epochs and eras its light will not die

ever beautifully radiating centering eye

by dawn's early light or dusk's tender hue

its brilliance remains forever true

an eternal reminder as time rushes by

of the beauty that dwells in the centering I


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