reflecting stars that beam


to glide along and smile high you

for walking upon the water and waving I do

each moment I think its a dream coming true

by all means perception a key living life

for looking into the world and believing your I

knowing it takes time forming matter to real

yet you still stand on being so precious and one

in the testing time where stories become wine

amidst the chaos the rhyme you stand divine

a singular thread lifes grand design

yet connected to all in this cosmic line

in the vast expansive universes sprawl

you are a beacon standing tall

reflecting stars that beam 

being part of the universes seamless dream

with every heartbeat you echo the song

that has been sung since time was young

Though you may seem small in the cosmic dance

know that within you theres immense expanse

for you are a universe generating motion

a precious gem in lifes endless ocean

so stand proud my soul be true

in your uniqueness you found art baby blue

yet remember in this play to only be you

being one with thy Father of all


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